The Bremen Town Musicians (Бременские музыканты) is one of the first animated rock operas released in the USSR. It has since become popular among all generations, first in the Soviet Union and later gained reputation internationally. One of the film’s main draws was its unforgettable soundtrack and style, which drew from the latest global fashions […]
Mystery of the Third Planet (Тайна третьей планеты) is a 1981 animated Soviet feature film based on the children’s sci-fi novella Alice’s Travel by Kir Bulychov (Кир Булычёв), from the Alice (Алиса) book series. The year is 2181, and Alice Selzynova (Алиса Селезнёва), along with her father Professor Selznyov (профессор Селезнёв) and their trusty compadre Captain […]
The Three Bogatyrs: The Princess of Shamakhi (Три богатыря и Шамаханская царица; also known as How Not to Rescue a Princess in English) is a Russian animated film from 2010, the fourth in the Bogatyr series from Melnitsa Studios. The film starts out with the princess of Shamakhi (a city in present-day Azerbaijan) trying to […]
The Three Bogatyrs: The Horse’s Course (Три богатыря. Ход конём) is a 2014 Russian comedic animated film. It draws on myths about bogatyrs, who were similar to knights and often figure in in Russian and Slavic legends. Most stories about bogatyrs take place in Kyiv, the first early Slavic capital. The film is actually the […]
Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf (Иван Царевич и серый волк) is a Russian animated film comedy from 2011. The film was inspired by the classical Russian fairy tale of the same name. In the fairy tale, Tsar Berendey has given his three sons the job of figuring out who keeps stealing their golden apples […]