
These are artists playing in older styles. The bards, for instance, are singer-songwriters originally heavily associated with Soviet-era counter-culture. Shanson is best known as a sort of soundtrack to prison culture and the darkest parts of life. Estrada, is genre of classic performative popular music developed under the USSR and still in use today. Jazz, imported from the US, has long held a special place in the hearts of many from the former USSR and has had wide creative influence there. Blues, also from the US, came much later to the former USSR but has had a sizeable influence on local rock. Of all these styles, however, folk influences retain the deepest roots and produce the most wide-ranging effects in contemporary music.

Languages: Search for classic or classic-influenced music performed in Uzbek, Kyrgyz, or Tatar, or in Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, or Belarusian, or in Baltic, Caucasian, or Other languages.

Eva Polna / Ева Польна

Eva Pol’na (Ева Леонидовна Польна) is a Russian singer and songwriter from St. Petersburg. Pol’na started singing and dancing when she was young, but did not start to focus on music until later. She got a degree in library science and information management and afterward attended art school in St. Petersburg. Her music career started […]

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