Салют-7, or Salyut-7, was released in Russia on October 12, 2017. It became one of Russia’s highest grossing films of that year, eventually bringing in $13.4 million USD. Salyut-7 is based on true events that happened in 1985 when the Salyut-7 unmanned Soviet space station, in orbit close to Earth, abruptly stopped responding to commands from […]
Последний богатырь, or The Last Bogatyr, was released in Russia on October 16, 2017. Co-produced by Disney and a Russian studio called “Yellow, Black, and White,” The Last Bogatyr quickly became a box office success. Just one month after its release, the film had already made $28.8 million USD, replacing Stalingrad (2013) as the highest-grossing domestic […]
Viking (Викинг) is a 2016 Russian historical action film. Directed by Andrey Kravchuk (Андрей Кравчук), the film is loosely based on the Primary Chronicle, the earliest known written history of Rus’, and the Icelandic King’s Sagas. It has been dubbed “Russia’s Game of Thrones” by Screen International for its dark cinematography and its medieval storyline […]
Day Watch (Дневной дозор) is the 2005 sequel to the incredibly popular 2004 Night Watch (Ночной дозор). Both are Russian fantasy films. Day Watch is also based on the series of novels by Sergei Lukyanenko (Сергей Лукьяненко), but it is based less on the second novel, also titled Day Watch, and more on the second […]
28 Panfilovtsev (28 панфиловцев) is a 2016 war drama directed by Kim Duzhinin (Ким Дружинин) and Andrey Shalopa (Андрей Шалопа). The initial money for the film came entirely from crowdfunding, from which the directors raised more than 34 million rubles, making it one of the most successful crowdfunded film projects to date. Recently, 28 Panfilovtsev has also received […]
The Duelist (Дуэлянт) is a 2016 Russian adventure drama written and directed by indie filmmaker Aleksey Mizgirev (Алексей Мизгирев). Starring Pyotr Fyodorov (Пётр Фёдоров), Vladimir Mashkov (Владимир Машков), and Sergeу Garmash (Сергей Гармаш), the film is the third Russian film released in IMAX. The film is set in Saint Petersburg in 1860. The retired officer Yakovlev […]
Black Lightning (Чёрная молния) is a 2009 Russian fantasy/adventure/superhero film. It is about a 1966-issue Volga car (one of the Soviet Union’s makes) that Dmitry Maikov, a high school student, is given by his father. It turns out that the car can actually fly … and it contains missile launchers. Dmitry goes through multiple changes […]
We’re From the Future 2 (Мы из будущего 2; also Paradox Soldiers in English) is a 2010 Russian film. It is the sequel to the 2008 We’re From the Future. Both are war/drama/fantasy films about time travel. In the first film, the four heroes accidentally went back in time and had to fight in World […]
Night Watch (Ночной дозор) is a 2004 Russian urban fantasy film. It is based on the book of the same name by Sergei Lukyanenko (Сергей Лукьяненко). The book—it is the first in a series of six so far—was published in 1998 and has become a Russian, and then global, phenomenon. It is about a secondary […]