Pop Rock

Pop Rock is rock produced to reach as wide an audiaunce as possible. It mixes rock’s guitars and drum beats into a smoother, marketable form. Beats tend to be simpler and more regular and melodies more flowing than in other forms of rock. In Eurasia, local pop rock has established itself as economies recovered from the turbulence of the 1990s and grew in the 2000s. Investments by major labels such as Sony, Universal, and Warner have also had major impacts on its development.

Languages: Search for pop rock music performed in Uzbek, Kyrgyz, or Tatar, or in Russian, Ukrainian, or Polish, or in Baltic, Caucasian, or Other languages.


Casual is a contemporary Russian rock group. Started in 2009, Casual has seen quite a bit of success, with a number of singles climbing the Nashe Radio charts, as well as four successful albums: Inside (Инсайд), People Always Went (Все время люди шли), 242 Grams (242 грамма), and Be Quiet (Сделай тише). The group has played […]

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