
Nilufar Usmonova

Published: November 15, 2016

Nilufar Usmonova is a popular contemporary Uzbek pop singer. She is perhaps best known as the daughter of legendary Uzbek singer Yulduz Usmonova; another of her major achievements (if it can be called that) is that she has never fallen out of favor with the Uzbek authorities, as is common for Uzbek pop singers.

Usmonova was born in 1986 in Tashkent. Considering who her mother is, it’s no surprise that she was almost immediately pulled toward music and the stage. She got her start at the age of eight, when she performed a duet with her mother; then in 1995 she made her debuts in both film (Bolajon) and music videos (“Shaytonga buysungan yuraklar,” her duet with her mother).

But not long after this early start to her career, her parents sent her to England to be educated. She performed while in England and acted in several films. She then returned to Uzbekistan in 2001, where she continued her education—but finally in 2005 officially began her music career for good. She released her first album, Taslim bo’ldim, in 2008, the same year that she participated in the New Wave Festival, a sort of stepping-stone for up-and-coming young artists from across Europe.

Usmonova did decrease the pace of her music career for several years while she was in law school, but she managed to release a few music videos even during that time. She then returned in full force in 2013, with the release of her third album, Qadrimga yet. She also took part in Turkvizyon (the Turkic world’s version of Eurovision) in 2013, and in the Russian singing competition Voice (Голос) in 2014. By now, she has a total of four albums and almost 20 music videos to her name.

Find Nilufar Usmonova on Amazon


“Chapaniginam o’zbegim”:


Lyrics for “Chapaniginam o’zbegim”:

Erkaliging yarashgan,
Aytganidan qaytmagan,
Kamtarinlik, bo’yin egmas,
Chapaniginam – o’zbegim!

Nonini bo’lishganginam,
Ko’ngli to’q, beozorginam,
Ham iymoni butunginam,
Chapaniginam – o’zbegim!

Boshda do’ppi naqshi bo’lakcha,
Oppoq yaktak, belda qiyiqcha,
Yonbosh yotib boqar dalaga-yey,
Mehr berar yerga o’zbegim.

Bir parcha yerga bermas ozor,
Daqiqasi o’tmaydi bekor,
Duosida yurtin alqagan,
Mehnatsiz yashamas o’zbegim.

Erkaliging yarashgan,
Aytganidan qaytmagan,
Kamtarinlik, bo’yin egmas,
Chapaniginam – o’zbegim!

Nonini bo’lishganginam,
Ko’ngli to’q, beozorginam,
Ham iymoni butunginam,
Chapaniginam – o’zbegim!

Andishani qo’rqoq desalar,
Hurmatingga yuvosh desalar,
Seb eng buyuk unutma, xalqim,
Senday bo’lmas hech kim, o’zbegim!

Kimga boqar? Senga boqsinda
Erta kelajak, quyoshli kun,
Sarboni bor karvon borarda,
Manzilni ko’zlagan buyuk kun.

Erkaliging yarashgan,
Aytganidan qaytmagan,
Kamtarinlik, bo’yin egmas,
Chapaniginam – o’zbegim!

Nonini bo’lishganginam,
Ko’ngli to’q, beozorginam,
Ham iymoni butunginam,
Chapaniginam – o’zbegim!


“Bir kuning baxsh et”:


Lyrics for “Bir kuning baxsh et”:

Achinmayman seni sevib o’tgan kunimga,
Achinmayman sen deb bedor bo’lgan tunimga,
Sen meniki bo’lmasang ham qolgan umrimda
Asragayman sevging ko’mib abgor dilimda.
Nima bo’lsa bo’lib erta kun hayotimda,
Sevging uchun yashay bugun muhabbatim-la.
Seni hech kim sevmaganday seva oldim men,
Lek adashgan baxtim bo’lding xiyonating-la!

Buguning baxsh et tonglar otguncha ertaga,
Bir kuning baxsh et kunlar botguncha ertaga,
Jonim, meni sev, nima bo’lsa bo’lib o’tar,
Yuragimga dardlar solar ertaga.

Buguning baxsh et tonglar otguncha ertaga,
Bir kuning baxsh et kunlar botguncha ertaga,
Jonim, meni sev, nima bo’lsa bo’lib o’tar,
Yuragimga dardlar solar ertaga.

Sen deb sochilgan mehrim berib ketmasam ham,
Sen deb ochilgan qalbim uzib ketmasam ham,
Sendan o’zgani yana sevib ketmasam ham,
Taqdiring buyurganga berib ketaman.

Buguning baxsh et tonglar otguncha ertaga,
Bir kuning baxsh et kunlar botguncha ertaga,
Jonim, meni sev, nima bo’lsa bo’lib o’tar,
Yuragimga dardlar solar ertaga.

Buguning baxsh et tonglar otguncha ertaga,
Bir kuning baxsh et kunlar botguncha ertaga,
Jonim, meni sev, nima bo’lsa bo’lib o’tar,
Yuragimga dardlar solar ertaga.

Buguning baxsh et tonglar otguncha ertaga,
Bir kuning baxsh et kunlar botguncha ertaga,
Jonim, meni sev, nima bo’lsa bo’lib o’tar,
Yuragimga dardlar solar ertaga.

Ertaga… Ertaga… Ertaga…


Find Nilufar Usmonova on Amazon

About the author

Julie Hersh

Julie Hersh

Julie studied Russian as a Second Language in Irkutsk and before that, Bishkek, with SRAS's Home and Abroad Scholarship program, with the goal of someday having some sort of Russia/Eurasia-related career. She recently got her master’s degree from the University of Glasgow and the University of Tartu, where she studied women’s dissent in Soviet Russia. She also has a bachelor’s degree in literature from Yale. Some of her favorite Russian authors are Sorokin, Shishkin, Il’f and Petrov, and Akhmatova. In her spare time Julie cautiously practices martial arts, reads feminist websites, and taste-tests instant coffee for her blog.

Program attended: Home and Abroad Scholar

View all posts by: Julie Hersh