Poland’s Top Polish Music: July 2019

Published: August 7, 2019

Radio Zet is one of Poland’s most popular pop music stations. What’s big in Polish-language adult contemporary, dance, and easy-listening? Radio Zet’s playlist can tell you. Once a month, SRAS provides a snapshot of what’s at the top of their charts, with YouTube videos and links to our Polish music site.

With a few hits from the previous month climbing their way up, here’s how the lineup stood on July 27, 2019:

1. Za krokiem krok (Step by Step) – Cleo

2. Trofea (“Trophies”) – Dawid Podsiadło

3. Górą Ty (feat. Gromee/ Bedoes) (“Top of You”) – Golec uOrkiestra

4. Sobie i Wam (“Me and You”) – Nosowska/Organek/Zalewski/Igo

5. Dalej (“Further”) – Marcin Sójka


About the author

Mikaela Peters

Mikaela Peters

Mikaela Peters is a student at Rutgers University in New Jersey, where she studies Business Analytics & Information Technology, Russian, and European Studies. She will be studying Russian and Central Asian Studies in Kyrgyzstan during the 2019-2020 academic year with SRAS. Mikaela decided to seriously study Russian after visiting NASA in 2015, where she has since interned. Mikaela’s desire to enter into a career that will utilize her Russian skills while supporting the U.S. government motivated her to apply and ultimately win a Boren scholarship.

Program attended: Challenge Grants

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