
Rosava / Росава

Published: December 7, 2016

Rosava (Росава; real name Olena Yanchuk, Олена Янчук) is a contemporary Ukrainian folk, electronica, and pop singer. She has been on the scene since 2001, with varying degrees of popularity, and has recently had something of a resurgence, appearing in the top ten of Ukraine’s hit parades.

Rosava grew up near Kyiv in a musical family. Her father played the trumpet and directed a brass band, and her mother was an amateur folk singer. She went to music school as a child and took private music lessons; her first successes came when she was still young, at the 1993 Orpheus music festival (Орфей) for young talents in the city Byla Tserkva (Бiла Церква). She won a similar all-Ukrainian music contest the next year, but then moved to Canada to go to university, where she studied vocal jazz, among other subjects.

Rosava returned home in 1996, but it wasn’t until 1999 that her musical career began to draw notice. She attended the Red Ruta (Червона Рута) festival, and won both the pop music award and the audience choice award, practically a rite of passage for popular Ukrainian singers. Around this time, she—along with the band that was then accompanying her—adopted the name Rosava. She finally recorded a maxi-single in 2000, released by her producer, Dilya (Діля; real name Edward Pristupa, Едуард Приступа), who was a member of the highly popular Ukrainian band Tanok na Maidany Kongo (Танок на майдані Конґо). Yet her full album, Simply Heaven (Просто неба), wasn’t released until late in 2001.

Unlike other artists of her caliber, Rosava’s career hasn’t been steady. She took a long break after that first album, only releasing her second, Lullabies (Колисанки), in 2006—and it wasn’t a traditional album but rather actually a collection of children’s lullabies. After that her career picked up again for a time, with four more albums, but her last one, Joy (Радість), was released back in 2013. The recent break seems to be due to family issues (most recent online coverage focuses on the birth of her second child), but her single “A Girl Like Me” (“Дівчина така я”) has been drawing attention to her anew recently.

Find Rosava on Amazon


“Sleep, Little Cossack” (“Спи, маленький козачок”), 2013:


Lyrics for “Спи, маленький козачок”:

Спи, маленький козачок
Повернися на бочок
Спи, маленький, мати засинає…
Спи, козаче, кінь твій почекає

Приспів (х2):
А в різдвяну тиху ніч
Ми поїдемо на Січ
Кошовий нам дасть
Різдвяний пряник

Люляй-люляй, баю-бай
Завтра прийде Миколай
Принесе тобі в дарунок
Золотих пісень пакунок

Приспів (х2):
А в різдвяну тиху ніч
Ми поїдемо на Січ
Кошовий нам дасть
Різдвяний пряник

Спи, маленький, в бій ще рано.
Сплять малі твої гетьмани.
Завтра підеш ти, в світ перший,
Мало їх, а вас ще менше.

Приспів (х2):
А в різдвяну тиху ніч
Ми поїдемо на Січ
Кошовий нам дасть
Різдвяний пряник

Спи, маленький, треба спати
Зайчик спить і вовчик-братик
Грає синій водограй,
Казка ллється через край
Люлі-люлі, баю-бай…


“A Girl Like Me” (“Дівчина така я”), Rosava’s most recent hit:


Lyrics for “Дівчина така я”:

От така я, дівчина така я.
Сватай мене, серденько, – вийду я.

Серед річки дамба,
Там лунає самба,
Весна прийшла пора. Коней нагодую,
Потім потанцюю я.

Роздивись, подумай сам, доки ти “шерше ля фам”?
Де чорняву та смугляву розшукаєш ти таку?


Дві години самби –
До ранку танцюю я,
Доки не отримаю есемеса від матусі:
“Де ти ходи, доню? Вже прокинулися гуси!”

Роздивись, подумай сам, доки ти “шерше ля фам”?
Де чорняву та смугляву розшукаєш ти таку?


Ніколи мені поспати –
Хлопці грають серенади з ночі біля хати.
Трохи їх послухаю, черевики взую –
Піду потанцюю я.

Бо встигаю щодоби я горіхи та гриби
В лісі назбирати, всіх нагодувати.
Не забуду пошукати в інтернеті реферата,
Ще й потанцювати.

Приспів. (3)


Find Rosava on Amazon


About the author

Julie Hersh

Julie Hersh

Julie studied Russian as a Second Language in Irkutsk and before that, Bishkek, with SRAS's Home and Abroad Scholarship program, with the goal of someday having some sort of Russia/Eurasia-related career. She recently got her master’s degree from the University of Glasgow and the University of Tartu, where she studied women’s dissent in Soviet Russia. She also has a bachelor’s degree in literature from Yale. Some of her favorite Russian authors are Sorokin, Shishkin, Il’f and Petrov, and Akhmatova. In her spare time Julie cautiously practices martial arts, reads feminist websites, and taste-tests instant coffee for her blog.

Program attended: Home and Abroad Scholar

View all posts by: Julie Hersh