Złe Psy

Bad Dogs / Złe Psy

Published: October 7, 2016

Bad Dogs (Złe Psy) is a Polish rock band that’s been around since 1999. The name apparently refers to American pit bulls, for which Andrzej Nowak, its founder, has a certain fondness. Nowak also sings vocals and plays guitar in the band TSA. TSA, Nowak’s first major project, is a hard rock/heavy metal band that was founded in 1979. It collapsed around the time Bad Dogs was started, but it has since come back to life on and off. Its major popularity is behind it, though, and it seems that Nowak has been able to devote enough of his energies to Bad Dogs.

Bad Dogs didn’t have a steady composition until 2001; at that point, it was composed of Nowak, Rafal Rogulski (guitar), Filip Güntzel (bass guitar), and Darek Świechowski (drums). At that point they picked up the band’s activities with greater determination, performing larger concerts and releasing an album, Forever (no Polish title), in 2002.

Yet there was a long break after that. The band’s composition changed again and again. While they performed concerts with various lineups, they did not record another full album Poland (Born in Poland) (Polska (urodziłem się w Polsce)) until 2012. That one ran into controversy, when the major radio station Polish Radio Opole called one of its singles, “I Was Born in Poland” (“Urodziłem się w Polsce”) chauvinistic and xenophobic and refused to play it. Nowak responded by saying that it was simply patriotic. Other than that, the album got solid reviews from critics.

A third Bad Dogs album is slated for release later in 2016, with the musicians Nowak, Jacek Kasprzyk (guitar, vocals), Paweł Nafus (bass guitar), Michał Bereźnicki (drums), and Krzysztof Imiołczyk (keyboards). Bad Dogs is very hard to classify in terms of genre – it shows elements of hard rock and heavy metal, but also punk, jazz, pop, and much more.

Find Złe Psy on Amazon


“I Was Born in Poland” (“Urodziłem się w Polsce”). 2012:

Lyrics for “Urodziłem się w Polsce”:

Ojciec Polak, matka Polka
Polskie miasto, Polska łąka
Piękna nasza Polska cała,
By ta Polska ocalała

Ale jeszcze my żyjemy
Wszystkim w kolo pokażemy,
Jak wojować, jak wygrywać
Sprawiedliwie i gorliwie

Urodziłem się w Polsce } 4x

Noszę dumnie polskie barwy,
Jak rycerze, jak żołnierze
Jak potrzeba jestem hardy
Tylko, tylko w Polskę wierzę

Urodziłem się w Polsce } 8x


“Faith and Power” (“Wiara i moc”), 2015:

Lyrics for “Wiara i moc”:

Kiedyś ktoś rzekł mi tak
Będziesz wielki zdobędziesz świat
Nie ma go już
za to słowa te w głowie mam

Idąc dziś czuje że
Jego słowa spełniają się
Tamten ktoś to był gość
Zmienił mego życia sens życia sens

Nie wiem gdzie
Nie wiem jak
Czuje skrzydła
Niosą mnie jak ptak
Z góry widzę cały świat

Bracie mój i siostro ma
Wierzę w nas bo bóg nam da
Da nam siłę
by odbić się od dna

Wiara to wielka moc
To krew to powietrze
Wszystko w nas
To wszystko w nas co najlepsze


Find Złe Psy on Amazon

About the author

Julie Hersh

Julie Hersh

Julie studied Russian as a Second Language in Irkutsk and before that, Bishkek, with SRAS's Home and Abroad Scholarship program, with the goal of someday having some sort of Russia/Eurasia-related career. She recently got her master’s degree from the University of Glasgow and the University of Tartu, where she studied women’s dissent in Soviet Russia. She also has a bachelor’s degree in literature from Yale. Some of her favorite Russian authors are Sorokin, Shishkin, Il’f and Petrov, and Akhmatova. In her spare time Julie cautiously practices martial arts, reads feminist websites, and taste-tests instant coffee for her blog.

Program attended: Home and Abroad Scholar

View all posts by: Julie Hersh