
The bards were a group of singer-songwriters in the USSR whose style was originally influenced by shanson and folk. In the classic tradition, bardic music is narrative poetry accompanied by a guitar played by the singer. Although diverse, the genre is most associated with songs that hid social and political commentary within allegory and metaphor. Most of its music was disseminated via recordings and copies made by fans. Although not officially supported by the authorities, many in the highest echelons of Soviet power listened to and enjoyed the music. Since the fall of the USSR, many new artists have continued the genre and its traditions.

Languages: Search for bardic music performed in Central Asian languages, or in Russian, Ukrainian, or Polish.

Paperny T.A..M… / Паперный Т.А..М…

Paperny T.A..M… (Паперный Т.А..М…) is a Russian music group that was founded in Moscow shortly before the collapse of the Soviet Union. Its leader is Aleksey Mikhailovich Paperniy (Алексей Михайлович Паперный; the T.A..M… stands for “fellowship of actors and musicians” (товарищество актёров и музыкантов), though information about the strange system of periods/ellipses is not forthcoming. […]

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