
Russian punk first emerged in 1979 with Avtomaticheskie Udovletvoriteli in St. Petersburg. Its development and spread accelerated through perestroika and the fall of the USSR, as many youth increasingly lost hope in the decaying social, political, and economic situation around them and latched onto the slogan “No Future.” Soviet punk set itself apart by borrowing heavily from folk styles and anarchist philosophy. Today, punk poduced inside the former Soviet Bloc remains widely popular and even, in some cases, globally influential. Find out more in this book by SRAS graduate Alexander Herbert.

Languages: Search for punk music performed in Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Belarusian, or Other languages.

Skalpel / Skaльпель

Skalpel (Skaльпель) is a Russian ska band hailing from Moscow. They are one of Russia’s best known bands playing old-school ska. Skalpel have made a mark on the international scene as well, playing shows with seminal bands like Bad Manners, The Beat, The Toasters, Be Nuts, Dr. Ring-Ding, Valkyrians, and others. They have released material […]

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