Golden Parazyth

Golden Parazyth

Published: April 18, 2017

Golden Parazyth is a Lithuanian band that first appeared in 2005. Their genre is pretty broad, encompassing electronica, pop, classic rock, and alternative rock. Its current members are Giedrius Širka (GP; producer, lead vocals, electronic instruments, guitar) and Aurimas Vilkišius (Keta or K@; producer, backing vocals, electronic instruments, keyboards). They sing in Lithuanian and English.

GP started Golden Parazyth as a solo project in 2005, and released his first album under the project, Apartment of Steel, in 2006. It became popular among electronica fans almost immediately. He released a second album in 2008, and then invited Vilkišius to join the project. The two released several other records and EPs and played concerts for a startling range of musicians from around the world—among them Lana Del Ray and such bands as Hurts, Nicolas Jaar, SOHN, We Have Band and GusGus. They have also collaborated with Lithuanian singer Jazzyvile, aka Živilė Povilaitytė.

In recent years, Golden Parazyth has played at major concert halls in Lithuania and across Europe. They began to move in a different direction after 2014, developing new outlets for their creativity. One interesting project was that they played the live soundtrack for theSYSTEM, a dance/music/puppet performance piece. They’ve continued to release new music at the same time, though: their latest single, “All My Love,” appeared in March 2017. Golden Parazyth is also an official ambassador for Kaunas 2022: Kaunas (Lithuania’s second major city) is applying for the status of European Capital of Culture for 2022, and the band is acting as a representative of the city.

GP is a composer in addition to a musician. He writes the music and lyrics for much of Golden Parazyth’s music. He also composed the music for a Lithuanian short film, Jackie, in 2015. Vilkišius also has a solo project under the name Wolg, an electronica/house/DJ project. He’s been releasing music as Wolg intermittently for the past five years or so, often with Lithuanian musician Shkema.


“Niekas Niekada Nesuras,” Golden Parazyth’s newest (2015) Lithuanian-language release:

Lyrics are not available.



“Lapė” (“Fox”), an earlier hit—video apparently unrelated:


Lyrics for “Lapė”:

Žaliam žaliam miške gyveno lapė.
Ant tos lapės galvos tupėjo plaštakė.
Ant tos plaštakės sparnų degė žvakė.

Ir tai tesiasi jau tūkstančius metų.
Kas ryt prabudęs surandu kitaip.
Ar minėjau, kad žaliam miške gyveno
lapė pasipuošusi drūgiais.

Žaliam žaliam miške gyveno lapė.
Ant tos lapės galvos tupėjo plaštakė.
Ant tos plaštakės sparnų degė žvakė.
Ir tos žvakės šviesa šildė mus.

Ir tai tesiasi jau tūkstančius metų.
Kaskart prabudęs surandu kitaip.
Ar minėjau, kad žaliam miške gyveno
lapė pasipuošusi drūgiais.

Žaliam žaliam miške gyveno lapė.
Ant tos lapės galvos tupėjo plaštakė.
Ant tos plaštakės sparnų degė žvakė.

Ir tai tesiasi jau tūkstančius metų.
Kaskart prabudęs surandu kitaip.
Ar minėjau, kad žaliam miške gyveno
lapė pasipuošusi drūgiais.

One of the group’s most popular English-language songs, “Regatta of Happiness”:

About the author

Julie Hersh

Julie Hersh

Julie studied Russian as a Second Language in Irkutsk and before that, Bishkek, with SRAS's Home and Abroad Scholarship program, with the goal of someday having some sort of Russia/Eurasia-related career. She recently got her master’s degree from the University of Glasgow and the University of Tartu, where she studied women’s dissent in Soviet Russia. She also has a bachelor’s degree in literature from Yale. Some of her favorite Russian authors are Sorokin, Shishkin, Il’f and Petrov, and Akhmatova. In her spare time Julie cautiously practices martial arts, reads feminist websites, and taste-tests instant coffee for her blog.

Program attended: Home and Abroad Scholar

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