Один в Каное / One in a Canoe

Published: December 6, 2017

Один в Каное, translated from the Ukraine as “One in a Canoe” or “Alone in a Canoe” is a Ukrainian indie band originating in Lviv, Ukraine. In 2010 the band formed from 7-8 amateur musicians, none with any extensive formal musical education. After many members dropped out, only singer Irina Shvaydak and guitarist Ustim Pokhmursky remained, later joined by Elena Davydenko (percussion).

Although they sing mostly in Ukrainian, the group began their career by performing at music festivals throughout Russia and, in 2012, the band won the Russian music festival competition Metro On Stage, marking their first major success. On January 14th, 2012, the group also released their first EP (mini album), Live in Museum of Ideas, consisting of 6 songs, which brought the group fame for its improvised ease and natural sound.

In 2016, the band released their first studio album, Один в Каное, which they recorded without the help of a producer, team, or external management. The album included a whopping 25 songs, many of which the band admitted are highly unadorned and even unrehearsed, but which, they say, contribute to their music’s authenticity. In live performances as well, the band often shows up in regular street clothes and performs without lights or dance.

Shortly following the release of the first full album, Один в Каное participated in an all-Ukrainian tour in 2016, during which the composition of the group changed: the drummer Elena Davydenko was replaced by Igor Dzikowski, who remains in the band today.

Politically, Один в Каное places a strong emphasis on connecting back to the local, and supporting Ukraine. The band recorded their first EP (released in 2012) at a local venue in the Museum of Ideas, a local Lviv cultural center which showcases the city’s artistic and spiritual lineage, creating a space to establish cultural dialogue through music. Additionally, in connection with contemporary political tensions between Russia and Ukraine, the group now refuses to speak or sing in Russian.

Today, the band is actively working on a new full-length album, scheduled to be released in the fall/winter season of 2017.


The song “Небо” (Sky) is one of the group’s most popular from their 2012 EP:


Сьогодні небо таке раптове,
Трохи готичне і ледь барокове.
На білі плечі чиєїсь втоми
Складає у стопи небесні тони.
Небо шукає, небо знаходить.
Спустилося з даху і знову ходить,
Ходить грозою, лягає в квіти,
Трохи полЕжить і мусить іти


Та я не піду, трохи постою
Поки гроза не мине, буду з тобою.
Небо так і не прийняло теорій буття, як і я,
Бо ціль життя, бо ціль життя –віднайти життя.


Небо –солоне, таке спонтанне,
Дивиться в когось і в когось тане.
Дихає громом, знаходить цілі –
Напитись моря і стати сіллю.
Небо міліє, останнє губить.
Шукає вічність -знаходить.. губи.
Впивається знову і знову кресне
Її земним в своє небесне.


Another of their most popular songs includes “Пообіцяй мені” (Promise Me) – check it out below!


Скільки можна лити, скільки можна бавити слова?
Вони – не діти!
Між бетонні плити пробивається-кричить трава:
“Я жива!”
Дайте їй руку, відступіть їй світла, дайте води!
Я ж бачила, я зрозуміла знак:
Усе навпаки і усе не так,
Навіть ти!


Пообіцяй мені, пообіцяй мені,
Що завжди горітиме світло в твоєму вікні.
Пообіцяй мені, хай навіть не збудеться,
Що “завтра” негайно і невідворотньо відбудеться!
Пообіцяй мені…

Зараз вимкнуть воду, і я знов не встигну змити гріх,
Вчорашній гріх.
Він мою свободу розітне навпіл, жбурне до ніг,
До твоїх ніг.
Це світ речей, а речі – хворі!
І ти вже тут, у тому хорі!
Йди на голос мій,
Йди на голос мій…


About the author

Rylin McGee

Rylin McGee

Rylin McGee is a junior at the University of Richmond studying International Relations - Development and Change, with a focus on the environment and a minor in Russian Studies. Currently a SRAS Home and Abroad Scholar, she is working to improve her language skills and learn about Russia’s environmental history and policies by attending SRAS’s Russia and the Environment program in Irkutsk during the spring 2018 semester. Beyond studying, Rylin enjoys hiking, yoga, painting, coffee/tea, and exploring.

Program attended: Home and Abroad Scholar

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