Pelageya: Russian Folk Singing

Published: October 15, 2020

Pelageya (the stage name of Pelageya Khanova, Пелагея Сергеевна Ханова) is a Russian singer known for her versions of folk songs of various nations, romances, and other compositions. Occasionally these are arranged with some rock influence, but she sings almost excusively folk songs in what can be considered traditional styles.

Pelageya was born into a musical family and showed herself as a talented singer from a very young age. Her mother, Svetlana Khanova (Светлана Ханова), made an early career as a jazz singer and now produces and directs much of her daughter’s work. Pelageya herself was accepted at eight years old, without exams, to the Novosibirsk Special Musical School at the Novosibirsk Conservatory, becoming the first vocalist in the school’s history.

At age 10 Pelageya won the Morning Stars (Утренней звезды) music competition, which gained her the title of Best Performer of Russian Folk Songs 1996 and a prize of one thousand US dollars. Shortly thereafter, Pelageya signed a contract with Feelee Records and moved to Moscow to pursue her career and continue her musical education. Over the next few years Pelageya participated in a number of special performances, including a tribute to Depeche Mode, and duets with well-known singers including Garik Sukachev (Гарик Сукачев), Vyacheslav Butusov (Вячеслав Бутусов), and Inna Zhelanna (Инна Желанна).

In 1997 Pelageya participated in musical summits in Russia, Germany, and France, and in 1999 she performed at a music festival alongside the likes of B.B. King and Evgeny Kisin (Евгений Кисин). At age 14 Pelageya finished school at the Russian Institute of Theatrical Arts (Российский институт театрального искусства), and she formed her own music group that same year.

Pelageya has also dabbled in acting, playing periodic roles in various television series, including Yesenin (Есенин, 2004). She has become well-known as well for her participation in televised music competitions such as Two Stars (Две Звезды), Property of the Republic (Достояние республики), and Voice (Голос), where she took second place. In 2009 Pelageya was nominated for Hit Parade’s best soloist.

Pelageya continues to perform today. However, much of her recent fame has come from other aspects of show business. For example, in 2014 Pelageya read the text in a documentary film about the singer Aleksandr Pakhmutov (Александр Пахмутов), and that same year voice-acted in the cartoon Yellow Bird (Махни крылом). In 2015 she won Best Folk Performer at the first Russian National Music Prize.

Find Pelageya on Amazon

Here is Pelageya with a live performance of the Russian folk song “It’s Not Yet Evening” (“Ой да не вечер”):

Lyrics for “Ой да не вечер”:

Ой, да не вечер, да не вечер.
Мне малым малом спалось.
Мне малым мало спалось,
Ой да во сне привиделось…
Мне малым мало спалось,
Ой да во сне привиделось..

Мне во сне привиделось,
Будто конь мой вороной
Разыгрался, расплясался,
Ой разрезвился подо мной.
Ой, разыгрался, расплясался,
Ой разрезвился подо мной.

Ай, налетели ветры злые.
Ай, да с восточной стороны
Ай и сорвали чёрну шапку

Ой с моей буйной головы.
Ай и сорвали чёрну шапку
Ой с моей буйной головы.

А есаул догадлив был,
Он сумел сон мой разгадать.
Ой, пропадёт, он говорит,
Твоя буйна голова.
Ой, пропадёт, он говорит,
Твоя буйна голова.

Ой, да не вечер, да не вечер…
Мне малым мало спалось,
Мне малым мало спалось,
Ой, да во сне привиделось


Here is another folk song, “Little Bird” (“Пташечка”):


Lyrics for “Пташечка”:

У зялёному саду пташечкай пропела
Йетый пташки есть гняздо, есть у ней и дети
Йетый пташки есть гняздо, есть у ней и дети
А у мене у сироты нет никого на свети

А у мене у сироты нет никого на свети
Ночь кочала да я детей, день коров доила
Ночь кочала да я детей, день коров доила
Подоивши да я коров в хоровод ходила

В хороводе да я была веселай гуляла
Хороша я да хороша ой плоха яодета
Хороша я да хороша ой плоха яодета
Никто замуж не бярет и мене за это

Никто замуж не бярет и мене за это
Пойду с горя в монастырь, Богуй помолюся
Пойду с горя в монастырь, Богуй помолюся
Перед иконаю святых слезами зальюся

Перед иконаю святых слезами зальюся
Ни пошлёт ли мне Господь, тай ду ли счастливый?
Ни пошлёт ли мне Господь, тай ду ли счастливый?
Ни возмет ли меня замуж молодец красивый?

У зялёному саду пташечкай пропела
Йетый пташки есть гняздо,есть у ней и дети


Find Pelageya on Amazon

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About the author

Julie Hersh

Julie Hersh

Julie studied Russian as a Second Language in Irkutsk and before that, Bishkek, with SRAS's Home and Abroad Scholarship program, with the goal of someday having some sort of Russia/Eurasia-related career. She recently got her master’s degree from the University of Glasgow and the University of Tartu, where she studied women’s dissent in Soviet Russia. She also has a bachelor’s degree in literature from Yale. Some of her favorite Russian authors are Sorokin, Shishkin, Il’f and Petrov, and Akhmatova. In her spare time Julie cautiously practices martial arts, reads feminist websites, and taste-tests instant coffee for her blog.

Program attended: Home and Abroad Scholar

View all posts by: Julie Hersh