
Piknik / Пикник

Published: July 12, 2016

Piknik (Пикник) is one of Russia’s longest-running rock bands. Headed by vocalist/guitarist Edmund Shklyarsky (Эдмунд Шклярский)—the band’s sole consistent member across its 30+ year career—Piknik was formed in Leningrad in 1978, and were heavily influenced by British rock groups like Led Zeppelin and Jethro Tull. Over the years, however, Piknik has developed their own unique sound that combines symphonic and folk instruments with a dark, post-punk or even a gothic rock feel.

Piknik’s original members were group of friends from Leningrad State Polytechnic University. They originally used under the name Орион (Orion), but shortly changed the name to Piknik after the Strugatsky brothers’ now-classic 1971 Soviet sci-fi novel Roadside Picnic (Пикник на обочине). Shklyarsky joined the group in 1981, making his debut performance at the famous Leningrad Rock Club (Ленинградский рок-клуб). Piknik released their debut album, Smoke (Дым), the following year and started to draw a larger following.

From 1984 to 1986 Piknik did not have a consistent lineup, and recorded their second album using session musicians to fill in the gaps. In 1986, however, Piknik embarked on their first tour, to Donetsk and Talinn, with a full lineup that would remain more or less consistent for several years. In 1988, Piknik released their classic fourth album entitled Hailing from Nowhere (Родом ниоткуда). During the next few years Piknik played several large festivals in Russia, the Baltic states and, notably, in Osaka, Japan.

During the late 1980s and 1990s, Piknik continued to release albums, eventually developing a highly original sound that seems equally conversant with classic rock and post-punk. Notable releases from the 90s include the albums Vampire Songs (Вампирские песни), Ginseng (Жень-шень), and the experimental electronic album Drink Electricity (Пить электричество).

The early 2000s saw the single “Silver!” (“Серебра!”) stay high on the Hit Parade charts for several months, and Piknik’s nomination for “Best Live Group” by St. Petersburg’s music journal Fuzz. In 2004 Piknik put out a 20-year anniversary re-release of the album Dance of the Wolf (Танец волка). The following year, Piknik embarked a massive tour, whose biggest show (in St. Petersburg) was released on DVD.

From the early 2000s to the present Piknik has maintained a solid following, continued to release a slew of albums and singles, and gone on several large tours in Russia and abroad.


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Here is a live performance of Piknik’s hit single “Silver!” (“Серебра!”):

Lyrics for “Серебра!”:

Да ему ли так жить – только дергаться
Да химер сторожить, не меняя лица
Да оттачивать вдох, зная шаг наперед
Квазимодо-урод, Квазимодо-урод

Или ты или я, уж такая игра
Или свет или звук, или звук или яд
Поднимите им веки пусть видят они
Как бывает, когда слишком много в крови


Если мимо пройдет, говори – повезло
Сеять хаос и дрожь – вот его ремесло
Или сетью слов передергивать рот
Квазимодо-урод, Квазимодо-урод

А пока его крик режет тень-тишину
Да пока не охрип, разгоняя волну
Поднимите им веки пусть видят они
Как бывает, когда слишком много в крови


Это те же костры, только меньше огня
Это те же глаза, только молятся пням
Это те же слова, только наоборот
Квазимодо-урод, Квазимодо-урод

Или ты или я, уж такая игра
Или свет или звук, или звук или яд
Поднимите им веки пусть видят они
Как бывает, когда слишком много в крови



Here is the music video for “Needle” (“Игла”) off of Piknik’s 2012 album Singer of Decadence (Певец Декаданса):

Lyrics for “Игла”:
Не стальная игла, а грусть
Мне пробила сегодня грудь,
Оттолкнусь от земли и в путь,
Не забудь меня, не забудь.

Уж не чудится ль это мне,
Это небо и дождь в окне?
Жаль, не греет в пути звезда,
Нарисована, что ли? Да.

Пусть же ветер мотает, пусть,
Сам не знаю, за что держусь.
Жаль, не светит в пути звезда,
Нарисована, видно. Да.

Говоришь: «Подожди, вот-вот,
Солнце на небе да взойдет».
Только есть ли еще оно?
Да не все ли, не все ли равно?

Не стальная игла, а грусть
Мне пробила сегодня грудь,
Оттолкнусь от земли и в путь,
Не забудь меня, не забудь.

Как случилось, что мир остыл,
Мир теней и дорог пустых?
Жаль не светит в пути звезда.
Нарисована что ли,
Нарисована что ли? Да.

Find Piknik on Amazon

About the author

Zachary Hicks

Zachary Hicks

Zach Hicks is a PhD student in Comparative Literature at the University of Oregon. He is currently participating in SRAS's Home and Abroad scholarship program. His main areas of interest are twentieth-century Russian and Soviet literature, socialist modernism, and critical theory. Outside of academics his major interests are martial arts, the outdoors, and music. In Russia, he plans to continue to increase his language proficiency, to learn as much as possible about the Russian underground music scene, its tattoo culture, and to become a student of Russia’s native martial art, SAMBO.

Program attended: Art and Museums in Russia

View all posts by: Zachary Hicks