
Voskresnie / Воскресение

Published: August 20, 2016

Voskresnie (Воскресение) is a Russian rock group which has existed in two distinct incarnations. The first lasted from 1979 to 1982; the second, after a long hiatus, started in 1994 and continues to the present day. Voskresenie’s sound has ranged over the years from rhythm-and-blues to blues to psychedelic rock. Its name translates to “Sunday” or “Rising.”

Voskresenie started in Spring of 1979 after drummer Sergei Kavagoe (Сергей Кавагоэ) bassist Evgenii Margulis (Евгений  Маргулис) left Mashina Vremeni (Машина времени) to form their own band along with Aleksey Romanov (Алексей Романов) and (Алексей Макаревич). Voskresenie’s first releases were versions of Time Machine and Kuznetsov Bridge (Кузнецовский мост) songs. Nevertheless, Voskresenie found its way onto the radio.

After internal tensions, accompanied by significant lineup changes following Margulis’s departure from the group, Voskresenie broke up in 1982 with no plans to reunite.

After over a decade on hiatus, Voskresenie eventually did reunite in 1994, however, initially with Konstantin Nikolsky as the leader. Nikolsky left very shortly thereafter, and was replaced as band leader by Margulis. The revived Voskresenie played their first show in St. Petersburg that same year, which marked the beginning of a second successful career.

In 2000 Voskresenie released a full-length studio album called We Love You (Мы вас любим) as well as an acoustic album called More Live than All the Living (Живее всех живых). In 2003 the band became a trio following the departure of Margulis to pursue his own projects.

In 2004 Voskresenie celebrated their twenty-fifth anniversary with a massive concert in Kiev. That same year they released a video for “They Told Me” (“Мне говорили”), a song which they composed for the popular television program Money Can’t Buy Happiness (Не в деньгах счастье).

In 2012 Voskresenie performed another massive anniversary concert, this time for their thirty-fifth year as a band. This concert was in Moscow, and featured appearances from nearly every participant over the band’s long career. Since then Voskresenie has continued to release new music and to evolve their sound.

Find Voskresenie on Amazon


Here is Voskresnie with “Don’t Go” (“Не оставь”):

Lyrics for “Не оставь”:

Если день в тоске постылой
Тащится с утра,
Если снова все, как было –
Вечное вчера…
Свет небесный, путь земной –
Нет вдали огня.
Будь со мною, будь со мной –
Не оставь меня!..

Прокатился век за месяц.
Кто тому виной?
Вертит, вертит крылья мельниц
Ветер ледяной…
Занесет сухой листвою
След былого дня…
Будь со мною, будь со мной –

Не оставь меня скитаться

В городе пустом,
Темной полночью квитаться
С тенью под мостом,
Сквозь туман петлять рекою
Между сонных трав,
Не оставь меня в покое,
Не оставь!..

А когда во тьме кромешной
Засияет вновь
Вслед за доброю надеждой
Верная любовь –
Над землею, над весной,
Крыльями звеня,
Будь со мною, будь со мной!
Не оставь меня!..


Here is “Take Your Time” (“Не торопясь”), a more recent effort:

Lyrics for “Не торопясь”:

Не торопясь упасть
Кружится пестрый лист
Бегают стрелки глаз
По циферблатам лиц

И отмеряя путь
И назначая срок
Будто бы невзначай
Новый начни виток

Снова натянут лук
Снова взведен курок
Новая нежность рук
Прежняя твердость строк

Солнечный счет часов
Снова считать начни
Явью счастливых снов
Светлыми станут дни

Я наберу росы
Капли святой воды
Это твои часы

Время моей беды

Это твои глаза
Из-за угла в висок
Переведи назад
Стрелки своих часов

Ветер, сорвав листок
Бросит земле на грудь
Верю – назначен срок
Знаю – окончен путь

Выпусти все из рук,
Падай, лети кружась,
Но замыкая круг
Не торопись упасть

С новой строки не жаль
Новой начать строкой
Круче сверни спираль
Маятник тронь рукой


Find Voskresenie on Amazon

About the author

Zachary Hicks

Zachary Hicks

Zach Hicks is a PhD student in Comparative Literature at the University of Oregon. He is currently participating in SRAS's Home and Abroad scholarship program. His main areas of interest are twentieth-century Russian and Soviet literature, socialist modernism, and critical theory. Outside of academics his major interests are martial arts, the outdoors, and music. In Russia, he plans to continue to increase his language proficiency, to learn as much as possible about the Russian underground music scene, its tattoo culture, and to become a student of Russia’s native martial art, SAMBO.

Program attended: Art and Museums in Russia

View all posts by: Zachary Hicks