Adult Contemporary

AC stands for adult contemporary. This genre grouping is an American invention and not generally used in Eurasia. It is used here only as it conveniently groups light R&B, soul, soft rock, and other lighter music together. Adult contemporary music generally focuses on melody, with inoffensive lyrics and subdued beats.

Languages: Search for adult-contemporary or adult-contemporary-influenced music performed in Uzbek, Kyrgyz, or Tatar, or in Russian, Ukrainian, or Polish, or in Baltic or Caucasian languages.

Yolka / Ёлка

Yolka (Ёлка in Russian) is a Ukrainian pop star, actress, and television personality who sings in Russian. Born Yelizaveta Valdemarivna Ivantsiv (Єлизавета Вальдемарівна Іванців), she received the nickname Ёлка (“fir tree”) when a childhood friend mispronounced her name; it amused her, and the name stuck. She has gained wide popularity and critical acclaim for her […]

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