
Jazz was imported shortly after the revolution. Communist authorities originally saw it as a positive, modernizing influence. Although later banned as bourgeois, jazz remained widely popular especially among Soviet intellectuals. Today, jazz is perhaps more popular in the former USSR than it is in America, with many modern pop and rock artists being directly and obviously influenced by it.

Languages: Search for jazz or jazz-influenced music performed in Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, or Belarusian, or in Baltic, Turkic, or Other languages.

Zemfira / Земфира

Zemfira (Земфира) is the stage name of Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova (Земфира Талгатовна Рамазанова), a Russian rock musician originally from Ufa, Bashkortostan. Zemfira has sold more than three million records over the course of her career, and continues to be popular in Russia and the former Soviet Republics. Zemfira was influenced from an early age by rock […]

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