Adult Contemporary

AC stands for adult contemporary. This genre grouping is an American invention and not generally used in Eurasia. It is used here only as it conveniently groups light R&B, soul, soft rock, and other lighter music together. Adult contemporary music generally focuses on melody, with inoffensive lyrics and subdued beats.

Languages: Search for adult-contemporary or adult-contemporary-influenced music performed in Uzbek, Kyrgyz, or Tatar, or in Russian, Ukrainian, or Polish, or in Baltic or Caucasian languages.

Tatyana Bulanova / Татьяна Буланова

Tatyana Bulanova (Татьяна Буланова) is a Russian singer from St. Petersburg. Growing up, Bulanova studied the piano in music school, and also began to play the guitar in her teens. For college, she originally enrolled in the library sciences department of the Leningrad Institute of Culture, but she soon moved to the vocal music department. […]

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