
Dance is a broad category united by beats that make you want to move. Under this category, you’ll find funk, house, disco, techno, dance-pop, and much more.

Languages: Search for dance music performed in Uzbek, Kyrgyz, or Tatar, or in Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, or Belarusian, or in Baltic, Caucasian, or Other languages.

DJ Smash (Andrei Shirman / Андрей Ширман)

Andrei Shirman (Андрей Ширман), also known as “Smash”, is a successful Russian electronic and house DJ. He performs in Russian and English, generally favoring English and occasionally mixing the languages in one song. Shirman was born May 23, 1982 in Perm, Russia.Both of his parents had a love for music. His father was a jazz […]

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