Bad Dogs / Złe Psy

Bad Dogs (Złe Psy) is a Polish rock band that’s been around since 1999. The name apparently refers to American pit bulls, for which Andrzej Nowak, its founder, has a certain fondness. Nowak also sings vocals and plays guitar in the band TSA. TSA, Nowak’s first major project, is a hard rock/heavy metal band that […]


Cree is a Polish blues/rock band that was formed in 1993. Its name comes from the Cree, a First Nations tribe in Canada. The founder was Sebastian Riedel (guitar, vocals, harmonica)—incidentally the son of Ryszard Riedel, the lead singer of the legendary group Jam (Dżam)—and he was joined by Sylwester Kramek (guitar) and Adrian Fuchs […]

Czesław Niemen

Czesław Niemen was a distinguished Polish singer-songwriter and rock/folk/jazz/electronica musician who made a name for himself in a variety of genres, instruments, and roles. Niemen was born in a Polish village in what is now Belarus. He studied at a music school in Grodno for a year to study the Russian accordion (баян) when he […]

Daniel Bloom

Daniel Bloom (born Daniel Borcuch) is a composer, music producer, and musician from Kwidzyn, northern Poland. He also runs his own music studio, Two Minutes Elsie Studio. He studied music in school, particularly piano, and then studied archaeology at university. Bloom’s career is multifaceted, existing in several different mediums simultaneously: his online biographies describe him […]

Krystyna Prońko

Krystyna Prońko is a Polish singer who mainly performs jazz. Born in Gorzów Wielkopolski, a small city in the far west of Poland, Prońko did not start out intending to become a singer: her first degree is in chemical analysis, and she worked in this field for some time. Her first professional musical endeavor was […]

Andrzej Zaucha

Andrzej Zaucha was a Polish singer and musician who died in 1991 at the age of 42. Born in Krakow, Zaucha was not trained as a musician. He competed successfully in canoeing nationwide as a teenager, winning some medals at the Polish Championships in the 1960s. He soon switched his attention to music, joining the […]

Natalia Przybysz

Natalia Przybysz is a Polish singer of R&B, soul, and other genres. Currently working mostly on her solo career under the name Natu, she also collaborates and performs with many other Polish rock, pop, and R&B musicians. Przybysz was drawn to music at an early age, studying the cello at school. She and her sister, […]

Anita Lipnicka

Anita Lipnicka is a Polish singer and songwriter who has steadily been gaining a solid reputation in Polish pop culture over the past twenty years. She is from Piotrków Trybunalski, a small city in central Poland. Lipnicka started her career with the popular band Varius Manx in 1993. Though the band existed before Lipnicka joined, […]

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