

Published: April 11, 2017

Dagö is an Estonian folk/ethno band. They formed in 1998 and have been active on and off to the present day, though their main popularity and success came in the early 2000s. The band’s name is taken from the historic (German/Swedish) name for Hiiumaa, an island off the northwest coast of Estonia.

The founding members were Lauri Saatpalu (vocals), Peeter Rebane (guitar) and Tiit Kikas. Their first album, released in 2000, was named the Folk/Ethno Album of the Year. In 2001 they were awarded the grand prize at the Midsummer Night’s Improvisational Festival (Lühima öö improvisatsioonifestival) in Pärnu, an Estonian beach town, and opened for Jethro Tull in Tallinn the next year. Over the next few years, despite some changes in membership, they released several more albums and received more major prizes from the Estonian Music Awards, including Group of the Year in 2002 and Album of the Year in 2003, for The Mice in the Wind (Hiired Tuules).

In 2008 the group went on hiatus, but they returned in 2011 with a new album, Plaan Delta. The group has been less active since then—they have not released any new albums—but have not technically disbanded, and they continued touring and performing over the next several years. The current, or most recent, set of members is Saatpalu (vocals), Rebane (guitar), Raul Vaigla (bass), Taavi Kerikmäe (keyboards), Toomas Rull (drums) and Petteri Hasa (drums).

Saatpalu, the band’s leader, songwriter, and chief vocalist, actually started out as an actor. He originally attempted to study at the Tallinn conservatory, but was rejected; after a break to serve in the Soviet army, he worked in various theaters in Estonia and as a host on several radio shows. He said in a 2008 interview that he had no intention of starting a solo singing career because he was not talented enough.


“Muusik” (“Music”):


Lyrics for “Muusik”:

Tere süütu suguühe ühest kaugest ajast
Terje…Malle…Maire…sa vist ei öelnd’ki nime
Ma seesama Toomas, kes su juurde roomas
naine…koomas…kaine…no pole oluline
Enne restorani lavalt silmis läige kaval
a-moll…f-duur…jutt loll…tervitus nimeline
see kes laulab söögiks, hiljem ühiskoogis
sulle…ainult…hullem…romansi imemine

Õues kohisevad puud
sulle tere hommikut
sa ei suudelnudki kuud
hoopis mingit muusikut
värvi koorub vannitoas
baaripukist lilla kints
august alla kraanijoas
voolas lootus leida prints

Meil on sama maitse, pole sinu maitse
mina…ja ka…sina…ei ole taevaline
vahel linnas näeme, vestlemagi jääme
teemad…jõnkse…teevad, ja naer on vaevaline

Õues kohisevad puud
sulle tere hommikut
sa ei suudelnudki kuud
hoopis mingit muusikut
värvi koorub vannitoas
baaripukist lilla kints
august alla kraanijoas
voolas lootus leida prints

Sa ei olnud mingi bitch
lihtsalt mina olin lits

Õues kohisevad puud
sulle tere hommikut
sa ei suudelnudki kuud
hoopis mingit muusikut
värvi koorub vannitoas
baaripukist lilla kints
august alla kraanijoas
voolas lootus leida prints


“Tartu” (Estonia’s second-biggest city and, in my unbiased opinion, the best place in Estonia):


Lyrics for “Tartu”:

Veel enne “Parki” parkimist,
me keret parkima end veame.
Näeb Rüütli tänaval peaaegu rüütleid,
preilisid peaaegu pesuväel.

Ja väärib märkimist, et kuigi homsest täpselt veel ei tea me,
kuid juba ettekandjat põllepaeltest
sikutame kahel käel.

Too meile vabadus,
võta meilt vajadus,
too meile maailma parima
kartulisalati saladus,
too meile ajatus,
too palun kannuga teed
ja kui laulugi teed,
kanna ette meil seegi,
sest oled ju kauneim sireen.

Me saame sõnumeid.
Meis täna ööl on jõudu laule luua,
meid nii kerge täna kõrgustesse tuua,
liiga järsk me jaoks ei tundu trepp.

Ja enne õilsat und ei teegi liiga,
mängib puhvetis kui Raadio Maria.
Kellele ei meeldiks Jonny Depp!?

Veel enne “Parki” parkimist
end üle Vanemuise veame.
Ja üle Toome joome
tekiila Colaga.
Salvrätinutsu teise jala alla
pistma peame,
et libedal ei kõiguks, sest kojameest ei paista soolaga.

Too meile…

About the author

Julie Hersh

Julie Hersh

Julie studied Russian as a Second Language in Irkutsk and before that, Bishkek, with SRAS's Home and Abroad Scholarship program, with the goal of someday having some sort of Russia/Eurasia-related career. She recently got her master’s degree from the University of Glasgow and the University of Tartu, where she studied women’s dissent in Soviet Russia. She also has a bachelor’s degree in literature from Yale. Some of her favorite Russian authors are Sorokin, Shishkin, Il’f and Petrov, and Akhmatova. In her spare time Julie cautiously practices martial arts, reads feminist websites, and taste-tests instant coffee for her blog.

Program attended: Home and Abroad Scholar

View all posts by: Julie Hersh