Gleb Samoiloff

Gleb Samoyloff and The MATRIXX / Глеб Самойлоff and The MATRIXX

Published: October 31, 2016

Gleb Samoyloff (Глеб Самойлоff, original name Gleb Samoylov, or Глеб Самойлов) and The MATRIXX—subsequently shortened to just The MATRIXX in 2013—is a Russian rock band with punk and goth influences. Rising from the ashes of Samoilov’s previous musical collaboration, Agata Kristi (Агата Кристи)—which he joined in 1987 but which fell apart in 2009—The MATRIXX has produced four commercially successful and critically acclaimed records in its relatively short existence. They have toured extensively throughout Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, and have also begun, in recent years, to extend their live presence further abroad.

Samoylov is a largely self-taught musician. Nonetheless, he began playing the bass at a fairly young age, and he managed to secure a position in a school band. Although he applied and was accepted to a music college, he left the school barely six months into his education in order to join his older brother’s (Vadim Samoylov, Вадим Самойлов) band, Agata Kristi. Together, the brothers Samoylov recorded a total of ten full-length records and achieved significant success throughout the 1990s and into the first decade of the 2000s.

After separating creatively from his older brother, Gleb wasted no time in forming a new musical project. Along with several other members of the now-defunct Agata Kristi, he formed The MATRIXX in 2010. The band’s first endeavor, the single “Nobody Survived” (“Никто не Выжил”), quickly garnered them attention—becoming a staple among several music video television programs. On the heels of numerous live performances throughout the spring and summer of 2010, the group also released their debut album, Beautiful Cruel (Прекрасное жестоко), to wide critical acclaim and commercial success. It became one of the highest-grossing albums of the year.

Unusually among music groups, the rigor of constant touring did not seem to affect The MATRIXX’s recording output. The fall of 2011 saw the release of their second full-length album, Trash (Треш); and with the exception of 2012, they have presented a new musical product every year since then.

Besides his musical projects, Samoylov has also extended his talents into voice acting, contributing a voice to the Russian dub of Tim Burton’s A Nightmare Before Christmas and to the documentary Black Fin.

In 2016 Gleb filed a lawsuit against his brother, Vadim, for planning to perform a tour of Agata Kristi material.

Find Gleb Samoyloff on Amazon


The video for The MATRIXX’s first hit single, “Nobody Survived” (“Никто не Выжил”):


Lyrics for “Никто не Выжил”:

Наш Бог ушел в почетный отпуск,
Жрецы ведут всемирный розыск,
А где-то Бог другой планеты,
Читая нас, блюет газетой.

Никто не выжил, никто не умер,
По результату, по оконцовке
Мы снова трусы, нам нужен идол,
Никто не умер, никто не выжил.

Ты хочешь быть моей навеки,
Нас прокляли свои же дети,
Враги сожгли родную веру,
Куда деваться пионеру?

Никто не выжил, никто не умер,

По результату, по оконцовке,
Мы снова зайцы, жуем морковку,
Никто не умер, никто не выжил.

Прошла война, и все так рады,
Убили лучших, добили гадов,
А мы танцуем жизнь нон-стопом,
И весь наш кайф на деле жопа!

Никто не выжил, никто не умер,
По результату, по оконцовке,
Мы снова трусы, нам нужен идол,
Никто не умер ,никто не выжил.

Никто не умер, никто не выжил…


The video for a newer song, “Alive” (“Живой”):



Lyrics for “Живой”:

Что уже не сделает спецназ,
Что уже не сделает омон.
Каждая нацелена на нас,
Каждая ракета на огонь.
Это значит я еще живой.
Это значит я еще живой.
Это значит я еще живой.

Издаст царь-батюшка указ,
Нажмет кроваво-красный глаз.
Может быть куда-то попадет,
Может быть на нас и не на нас.

А это значит я еще живой.
Это значит я еще живой.
Это значит я еще живой.
Это значит я еще живой.
Это значит я еще живой.
Это значит я еще живой.
Это значит я еще живой.


Find Gleb Samoyloff on Amazon


This entry was written by Michael Filitis, a finalist for the Home and Abroad Scholarship through SRAS.

About the author

Michael Filitis

Michael Filitis

Michael Filitis graduated with an MA from the University of Chicago where he concentrated on early Soviet nationalities policy, propaganda, and the rise of nationalism in Eastern Europe. At the time he wrote for this site, he planned to pursue a Phd in Russian history and political science. Outside of academia, he enjoys playing and composing music, eating to excess, movies about space, and contemplating a more active lifestyle.

Program attended: Online Internships

View all posts by: Michael Filitis