Oksana Pochepa

Oksana Pochepa / Оксана Почепа

Published: June 29, 2016

Oksana Pochepa (Оксана Почепа) is a Russian singer who has gone by the name Akula (Акула; “shark”) for much of her musical career. She was born in Rostov-on-the-Don and started playing music as a child, performing with children’s musical ensembles. She started attending music school when she was nine, supported by her father, who wanted her to be able to have a musical career since he had not been able to himself.

Pochepa’s professional music career officially started when she was thirteen, in 1997, when she sang in the group Maloletka (Малолетка; “young child” or “preteen”). She released an album in 1997 and started touring. She also participated in political events, including the 1997 tour Youth Against Drugs.

In 2000, Pochepa began to focus her musical energy on a new project in cooperation with singer Sergey Zhukov, who had been performing with the Hands Up. Pochepa and Zhukov called their new group Akula, which also became Pochepa’s stage name. They were extremely popular, releasing their first album, Acidic DJ (Кислотный DJ), in 2001 and two more, Without Love (Без любви) and Such Love (Такая любовь), in 2002 and 2006, respectively.

The group has a very varied aesthetic, with no two songs sounding the same—some feature rapping, some Pochepa’s deceptively sweet-sounding vocals, and some a more rock feel almost reminiscent of the American 1990s riot grrrl movement. The group has some utterly bizarre yet fascinating music videos, ranging from what one that includes two teenage boys in love and Pochepa doing drugs and boxing (“A Little,” “Мало”) to Pochepa repeatedly smashing a car windshield (“Such Love,” “Такая любовь”) to her covered in gold and floating through the air in a club (“Acidic DJ,” “Кислотный DJ”). Four years later, though, Zhukov stopped performing to start a business and Pochepa chose to move on to a solo career. She has released two albums on her own, which have a strikingly different feel than did her work in the band Akula. Her singing is now more smooth and lyrical, her performances less “out there.”

In addition to her music, Pochepa is a radio host with her own hit-parade show, Young Hit (Юнихит) on the station Youth (Юность). On her website, Pochepa describes herself as a “young, talented, beautiful and experienced singer, but also a successful person who still has time for many achievements.”

Find Oksana Pochepa on Amazon


“A Little” (“Мало”), from Akula’s first record, released in 2001:

Lyrics for “Мало”:

А мне все мало

А мне все мало

А мне все мало

А мне все мало

Он в кафе меня приглашает
Встречи мне назначает
Домой меня провожает
Девчонок других не замечает
Из школы меня встречает
Любимой меня называет
Желания выполняет
Он так меня понимает

А мне все мало

А мне все мало

А мне все мало

А мне все мало

Он так нежно со мной играет
Открытки мне посылает
Весь пейджер мой заполняет
И ничего не запрещает
Портреты мои рисует
Так часто по мне тоскует
Ласкает меня и целует
Он очень меня балует

А мне все мало

А мне все мало

А мне все мало

А мне все мало

А мне все мало

А мне все мало


“Melodrama” (“Мелодрама”), Pochepa’s most recent single, from 2015:

Lyrics for “Мелодрама”:

Он, как будто бы из снов.
Красивых про любовь.
И послан был с небес.
Ангел или бес.
Я, я так его ждала.
И больше чем могла.
Ему я отдала, море своего тепла.
Но он не говорит, что-нибудь внутри.
Ни слова одного, о его любви.

Мама, вчера на больших экранах.
Красивая мелодрама.
Где мы с ним играли пару, счастливую.
Мало, мне этого было, мама.
А ты наперёд всё знала.
Закончится мелодрама, красивая.

Он, послан был судьбой.
Мой Бог и мой герой.
Я в омут с головой, он нарушил мой покой.
Ворвался в мою жизнь, ты за меня держись.
Сказал мне и душа, полетела за ним ввысь.
Но обожгли лучи, и мы теперь ничьи.
Я не смогла к нему, подобрать ключи.

Мама, вчера на больших экранах.
Красивая мелодрама.
Где мы с ним играли пару, счастливую.
Мало, мне этого было, мама.
А ты наперёд всё знала.
Закончится мелодрама, красивая.

Find Oksana Pochepa on Amazon

About the author

Julie Hersh

Julie Hersh

Julie studied Russian as a Second Language in Irkutsk and before that, Bishkek, with SRAS's Home and Abroad Scholarship program, with the goal of someday having some sort of Russia/Eurasia-related career. She recently got her master’s degree from the University of Glasgow and the University of Tartu, where she studied women’s dissent in Soviet Russia. She also has a bachelor’s degree in literature from Yale. Some of her favorite Russian authors are Sorokin, Shishkin, Il’f and Petrov, and Akhmatova. In her spare time Julie cautiously practices martial arts, reads feminist websites, and taste-tests instant coffee for her blog.

Program attended: Home and Abroad Scholar

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