Princely Brewery of Tyskie / Tyskie Browary Książęce

Published: October 10, 2017

Tyskie Browary Książęce (“Princely Brewery of Tyskie”) is one of the oldest breweries in Europe and, with about 18% of the market, one of the best selling beer brands in Poland.

Their most popular offerings are Tyskie Gronie, a 5.6% pale lager, and Tyskie Książęce, a 5.7% pale lager. Water for the beer is sourced from the Grone, located on the slope of the Mikołowska Mountains near its namesake town of Tyskie.

Beer has been continually produced in Tyskie since 1629. Then owned by the von Promnitz family, the Tyskie Brewery has since changed ownership between noble houses, warring countries, the Polish state and private companies.

Tyskie bottles, distinguished by their red-on-white packaging (the Polish national colors), depict a royal crown to commemorate John III Sobieski, former king of Poland who was born in 1629 — the same year the Tyskie Brewery was founded.

Today, the Tyskie Brewery has expanded to both sides of Mikołowska Street in Tyskie and belongs to the Kompania Piwowarska Brewery Group. Tyskie also sponsors the Polonia Music Festival on the first weekend of every September.

The brewery’s interior has been preserved virtually unchanged since 1905 and is available to tour (with tasting at the end!) by appointment.


Real Ale Craft Beer reviews Tyskie!


A night at the brewery, 2015:

About the author

Katheryn Weaver

Katheryn Weaver

Katheryn Weaver, at the time she wrote for this site, was a student of rhetoric and history at the University of Texas, Austin. Her primary areas of investigation include revolution and the rhetorical justification of violence against individuals, the state, and society. She studied Russian as a Second Language with SRAS in Moscow.

Program attended: Home and Abroad Scholar

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