Author: Zachary Hicks

The Groom / Жених

The Groom (Жених) is a 2016 Russian comedy and the directorial debut of Aleksandr Nezlobin (Александр Незлобин). Released in September 2016, the film stars Sergey Svetlakov (Сергей Светлаков), Olga Kartunkova (Ольга Картункова), Sergey Burunov (Сергей Бурунов), Georgiy Dronov (Георгий Дронов), and Aleksandr Demidov (Александр Демидов). The film is the story of Helmut, a German man who […]

Last Tanks in Paris / Последние Танки в Париже

Last Tanks in Paris (Последние Танки в Париже, or П. Т. В. П.) is a Russian post-punk band originally from Vyborg, near Saint Petersburg. The band plays a style of music heavily influenced by bands like Joy Division, and has come to be known for their outspoken political views. They have taken a strong stance […]

The Duelist / Дуэлянт

The Duelist (Дуэлянт) is a 2016 Russian adventure drama written and directed by indie filmmaker Aleksey Mizgirev (Алексей Мизгирев). Starring Pyotr Fyodorov (Пётр Фёдоров), Vladimir Mashkov (Владимир Машков), and Sergeу Garmash (Сергей Гармаш), the film is the third Russian film released in IMAX. The film is set in Saint Petersburg in 1860. The retired officer Yakovlev […]

Dzhango / Джанго

Dzhango (Джанго) is the stage name of Aleksey Viktorovich Poddubniy (Алексей Викторович Поддубный), a Ukrainian and Russian pop, rock, and folk composer, vocalist, and leader of a band of the same name. The band Dzhango became especially well-known in Russian and Ukraine after their track “Cold Spring” (“Холодная весна”) was featured on the soundtrack of […]

Tanok na Maidani Kongo / Танок на майдані Конґо

Tanok na Maidani Kongo  (Танок на майдані Конґо, better known as TNMK; translates to “dance at the Congo Square”) is the most successful Ukrainian hip-hop group ever. They are known for mixing elements of rock, funk, and jazz into their sound, and for playing real instruments rather than using samples during their live shows. They have […]

And My Friend the Truck… / И Друг мой Грузовик…

And My Friend the Truck… (И Друг мой Грузовик…)is a Ukrainian indie rock band who sing almost exclusively in Russian. They are noted for their minimalist instrumentation, consisting of only drums, bass, and vocals.  The band was formed initially in 1997 as Me and My Friend the Truck (Я и Друг Мой Грузовик) for a […]

Таras Коmpanichenkо / Тарас Компаніченко

Таras Коmpanichenkо (Тарас Компаніченко) is an influential Ukrainian singer-songwriter, recording artist, kobzar, banduryst (a player of the Ukrainian bandura), lutenist, lira player, and composer. Коmpanichenkо is an active participant in the Kobzar Guild (Kobzarskyi Tsekh) as well as the musical ensembles Chorea Kozacka (Хорея Козацька) and Sarmatica (Сарматика). He was an active participant in the […]

Stas Mikhailov / Стас Михайлов

Stanislav, or Stas, Mikhailov (Станислав Владимирович Михайлов) is a popular Russian singer-songwriter. He has received the prestigious titles of Distinguished Artist of the Russian Federation (Заслуженный артист Российской Федерации) and the Golden Gramophone Award. He is also the best-paid artist in all of Russia, with an income of $21 million in 2012. His most famous […]

Taras Chubay / Тарас Чубай

Taras Chubay (Тарас Григорович Чубай) is Ukrainian rock musician, poet, singer, composer, and leader of the seminal Ukrainian rock band Plach Yeremii (Плач Єремії). Through his poetic sensibilities and popular music, Chubay played a major role in the development of post-Soviet Ukrainian art. Chubay was born in 1970 in the city of Lviv, Ukraine. His […]

Mad Heads XL

Mad Heads XL (previously known as Mad Heads) is a Ukrainian rockabilly and ska group from Kyiv. The band has reached near-legendary status after four studio albums, constant touring, and frequent television appearances. Mad Heads is known internationally, as well, as the most prominent rockabilly band hailing from Eastern Europe. Mad Heads’ debut album, Psycholula, […]

Garik Sukachov / Гарик Сукачёв

Garik Sukachov (Гарик Сукачёв) is Russian musician, singer-songwriter, poet, actor, film director, and television presenter. He is famous as a member of the seminal Russian rock band Brigada S (Бригада С) and more recently as the host of Channel One’s television series Conversation (Беседка). Sukachov was born in the Moscow suburbs in 1959 to a […]

Maksim Fadeev & Monolit Records

Maksim Fadeev (Максим Александрович Фадеев) is Russian singer-songwriter, composer, and music producer. Fadeev is probably best-known as the manager of the highly successful pop singer Linda (Линда) and as the founder of the major record label Monolit Records (Монолит Рекордс). Fadeev was born in 1968 in the city of Kurgan, USSR. As a child he […]

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