
Folk influences are particularly strong in most parts of the former USSR. Folk traditions were strong under tsarism, remained largely supported under Communism, and have remained an intricate part of national identity into the modern era. Many successful pop and rock bands maintain a distinctive and marketable sound by using elements of folk music. Particularly striking examples can be found in metal, punk, and dance music. Elements used can include cord patterns, vocal stylings, instrumentation, as well as costuming and stage presence. Pop folk is a genre that makes wholesale use of traditional songs and introduces pop, rock, or electronic influence.

Note that none of the bands below are wholly folk. If you are interested in more purely folk music, see the folk music section at our sister site,

Languages: Search for folk-influenced music performed in Uzbek, Kyrgyz, or Tatar, or in Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, or Belarusian, or in Baltic, Caucasian, or Other languages.

Munisa Rizayeva / Муниса Ризаева

Munisa Rizayeva (Муниса Ризаева) is an Uzbek singer and actress. Rizayeva has been on the scene for some years, but her popularity has been picking up recently. She is seen as unique in the world of Uzbek pop, with an unusual voice and fashion style—she’s bringing the Uzbek pop scene in a new direction with […]

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