Sopot Festival TOPtrendy

Published: October 16, 2017

Sopot TOPtrendy Festiwal was a popular and influential three-day Polish music festival in Sopot, Poland active from 2003 until 2014. It consisted of three main events, the “TOP” and “Trendy,” as well as “Cabaret” performances. It was replaced by the Polstat SuperHit Festival in 2015.

The TOP concert highlighted the ten most popular artists in Poland, based on the number of records sold during the calendar year. Some participants include: Myslovitz, Raz, Dwa, Trzy, Hey, Ania Dąbrowska, and Smolik.

The Trends concert presented emerging artists on Polish music scene. Viewers voted through SMS to determine the winner of the Trends concert. The winner was subsequently promoted on Eska’s website and radio shows in addition to Postat Television. Some winners include Patryk Kumór and Cree.

The festival also included performances by the most popular cabaret groups, a genre particularly popular in Poland, including  Łowcy.B , Kabaret Ani Mru-Mru, Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju (“Kabaret Moral Anxiety”), and others. Each year the cabaret section attracted approximately 3 million television viewers.


LemON at the Sopot TOPtrendy 2013:


Artists Seweryn Krajewski and Andrzej Piaseczny at the 2011 edition:

About the author

Katheryn Weaver

Katheryn Weaver

Katheryn Weaver, at the time she wrote for this site, was a student of rhetoric and history at the University of Texas, Austin. Her primary areas of investigation include revolution and the rhetorical justification of violence against individuals, the state, and society. She studied Russian as a Second Language with SRAS in Moscow.

Program attended: Home and Abroad Scholar

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