
Electronic music had a major impact on all genres beginning in the 1960s. Synthesized beats and instrumentation became common in Soviet estrada. Today, electronic elements can be found in heavy influence most genres across Eurasia including pop, rock, and other forms. Below, you’ll find artists performing in genres where electronic elements are most dominant from new wave to techno and electronic-heavy dance-pop, to experimental indie electronic.

Languages: Search for electronic or electronic-influenced music performed in Russian, Ukrainian, or Polish, or in Baltic, Turkic, or Other languages.

Dantes and Oleynik / Дантес и Олейник

Dantes and Oleynik (Дантес и Олейник) were a Ukrainian dance-pop duo; they met in 2008 while competing on a reality TV/music competition in Ukraine called Star Factory 2 (Фабрика Звёзд–2). They quickly became friends on set and continued to collaborate beyond their television experience. In 2010, they recorded their one and only studio album, I’m Already […]

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